Syllabus for Government and Economics

Government (1st Semester)

The objective of the course is to introduce students to the American System of government in principle and practice. Students will be asked to review the beliefs and actions of the American Founding Fathers.  They will then be asked to examine political beliefs and understand the purpose of debate and democracy in our society. They will participate in debates, law making, and manage a country and its relationship to other countries (foreign policy).  The class will examine the Bill of Rights, various supreme court cases, and the pursuit of justice, equality, and fairness in society.

November is always set aside for live elections in even years (2020, 2022 etc.)

If there is any time left, we examine local governments and their function.

Course Content: The Flow of the course is:

i.               Political Theory

ii.              Various Types of Government

iii.            The American System

a.      Constitutions

b.     Free Democratic Societies

c.      Federalism (State Gov)

iv.             American History

v.              Civics Exam (required for Graduation)

vi.             The Political Party System

vii.           Law Making Simulation

viii.          Foreign Policy

ix.             War Simulation

x.              Justice and Equality

xi.             Bill of Rights

xii.           “Live Elections”

xiii.          Local Government


Economics (2nd Semester)

The objective of the course is to help the students understand how the economic world works with a focus on making good personal economic choices.

Microeconomics: The course starts with small economics decisions that we all make. Basic economic terms and ideas will be explained. We shall expand from resources and consumers to key concepts in businesses and world markets. The students understand will then examine capitalistic system (socialism and communism) and the job market.  Students will debate on current issues such as minimum wage. Supply and Demand will lead to an invention simulation where the student will create and sell their own product.


Student will continue the semester looking at various institutions designed to help regulate the economy.  See the list in the next column for details

Consumer Economics: The class will finish will personal economic choices that all students need to make relating to credit, investing, and budgeting.  If time, the class will be allowed to work on interview skills.

Course Content: The Flow of the course is


i.               What is Economics?

ii.              The 4 Factors of Production

iii.            The 4 Roles of the Economy

iv.             Circular Flow of the Economy

v.              Economic Markets (Type of Business)

vi.             Economic Systems

vii.           Economic Theories

a.      Capitalism, Socialism, Communism

viii.          Theory of Wage Determination

ix.             Debate: Minimum Wage

x.              Supply and Demand (Invention Sim.)



xi.             Business Cycles (Recessions and Depressions)

xii.           Unemployment

xiii.          Banking and Credit Cards

xiv.          Inflation

xv.           Poverty and Anti-Poverty Programs

xvi.          The Federal Reserve

xvii. The Stock Market

      Personal Finance

xvii.        Budgeting and Investment

xviii.       Bankruptcy