Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and therefore, students are expected to be present each day school is in session. The Supervisor of Student Services shall oversee the entire attendance program which shall include: All accounting and reporting procedures and their dissemination; Alternative program options for students who severely fail to meet minimum attendance requirements; Ensuring that all school age children attend school.
Providing documentation of enrollment status upon request for students applying for new or reinstatement of driver’s permit or license; and Notifying the Department of Safety whenever a student with a driver’s permit or license withdraws from school. Student attendance records shall be given the same level of confidentiality as other student records. Only authorized school officials with legitimate educational purposes may have access to student information without the consent of the student or parent/guardian.
Student attendance records shall be given the same level of confidentiality as other student records. Only authorized school officials with legitimate educational purposes may have access to student information without the consent of the student or parent/guardian.
Absences shall be classified as either excused or unexcused as determined by the principal/designee;
Excused absences shall include:
1. Personal illness/injury;
2. Illness of immediate family member;
3. Death in the family;
4. Extreme weather conditions;
5. Religious observances;
6. Pregnancy;
7. Summons, subpoena, or court order; or
8. Circumstances which in the judgment of the principal create emergencies over which the student has no control.
An absence will be considered excused if the student brings a doctor’s note or a note from a parent within 7 school days. Students who are absent are unexcused until such time as they bring in an appropriate note excusing the absence. This note must include the reason for the absence, date(s) of absence, and signature of appropriate person. A parent note may be used for up to 7 excused absences. Attendance records will not change if a note is turned in after 7 school days from the date of return.
Student participating in school-sponsored activities whether on or off-campus shall not be counted absent. To qualify as “school-sponsored,” the activity must be school-planned, school-directed, and teacher supervised.